If there is one event to be seen of all #eventstobescene in Abilene, it might just be this one. The show sells out in two weeks and the production is downright incredible. Aside from benefiting a truly wonderful nonprofit, the Hendrick Home for Children, it is an exciting evening full of unique entertainment. This year marks the 9th annual event where local “celebrities” are paired with local professional dancers to perform for the top prize.
Meet the Stars: Diane Stearns, Oscar Beall, MaryAnn Martin, Sam Nichols, Mandy Welch, Alex Moore, Talmadge Trammell, Tonya Doby, Kirk House, Ann Carr, David Pittman, Jami Moss
Meet the Dancers: Diego Gonzalez, Kenni Rich, Ivan Alvarez, Kimberely McMillon, Domonique Gordon, Peyton Bourland, Tracy Holmes, Jason Hernandez, Kim Hudson, Dakota Medlin, Jessica Hewitt, Seth Willis
What blows me away, is the talent that we have in this community. Let me take a moment to give a shout out to the local professional dancers here. It is a task to teach a dance civilian what they need to know for a performance like this in such a short amount of time, but they’ve done it and done it well. All of these couples put on lovely and engaging shows.
Here are a few of my favs:
Plus of course the Best Show Winner:
Best-in-Show winner Ann Carr is a local real-estate agent and undercover Beyonce enthusiast. Well actual, I think she may have blown her cover.
P.S. I’m starting a petition to have this event broadcast on local television. Just kidding, I’m not really. But wouldn’t that be cool?
Long story short. If you are ever looking for an evening out that is not only one of the most entertaining, but also gives back to the community, I think this simply has to be the event you are looking for.
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