You could say Erin Seabourne “waltzed” her way into her first job at Hendrick Home for Children back in 2013. Before that, she was teaching ballet and was asked to be one of the professional dancers for the Home’s annual fundraiser, Dancing With the Abilene Stars. At her very first event, she literally ran into the boss on the dance floor. That chance meeting with then … [Read more...]
Brussels Sprouts 3 Ways
Brussels sprouts are a very nutrient dense vegetable providing over 100% of your daily value for vitamins C and K. They are low-calorie and nearly fat-free. Brussels sprouts are also high in fiber, potassium, manganese, magnesium, and vitamin A. Add Brussels sprouts to your menu this new year for a nutritious and delicious side dish. Brussel Sprouts Pesto 2 cups … [Read more...]
DoubleTree by Hilton Abilene Downtown Convention Center
The Storybook Capital of America has a brand new castle fit for royalty and everyday folks to spend a night or two or just stop by for a drink and a meal. The DoubleTree by Hilton Abilene Downtown Convention Center opened in July to much fanfare, befitting a project that was 30 years in the making. Since then, the sparkling new hotel has been the talk of the town. “The … [Read more...]
Comforting Chicken Pot Pie
If you know me, you know that when my people are sick, hurting or needing to be loved on, I feed them! It’s just what I do. I love cooking for others, and it’s very stress relieving for me. Several years ago, a sweet friend brought me this chicken pot pie after a surgery, and it has become an all-time favorite of mine. When taking it to someone, I usually add another vegetable … [Read more...]
Financially Wise At Any Age
Neither age nor perceived lack of funds should be an impediment to achieving financial freedom – just ask 17-year-old Cole Patterson, whose foray into the world of finance began in the second grade in the form of “power balance” bracelets, which he purchased from eBay for $2 and sold for twice as much. “Since my first attempt at my own little business, the success that came … [Read more...]