Now that Thanksgiving is over we have nothing before us but the Christmas holiday, and the accompanying holiday events. Check it.
Dec. 2, 11 a.m. & 6 p.m.
“A Sleeping Beauty Christmas” at the Paramount Theatre. An original musical based on the classic fairy tale, but with a holiday twist! King Humphrey and Queen Bea are so delighted at the December birth of their daughter that they throw a huge Christmas party. When they fail to invite a powerful sorceress, a perpetual sleeping spell is cast over the palace.
Children’s Performing Arts Series | 325-677-1161
Fairy Tales and Christmas time. What could be better?
Dec. 14, 5-8 p.m.
ArtWalk: Babes in Toyland
For details, visit
Babes in Toyland: A Walt Disney classic.
Dec. 21, 7 p.m.
Broadway in Abilene presents “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer the Musical” for one night only at the Abilene Convention Center. The beloved TV classic RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER soars off the screen and onto the stage this holiday season. Come see all of your favorite characters from the special including Santa and Mrs. Claus, Hermey the Elf, Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster, Clarice, Yukon Cornelius and, of course, Rudolph, as they come to life.
Celebrity Attractions
#TBT when I played Olive the Other Reindeer in the school play.
Dec. 31, 7:30 p.m.
Paramount Special New Year’s Eve Film—“Gypsy”
Historic Paramount Theatre
352 Cypress St. │ 325.676.9620 │
Happy New Year. Let’s look forward to a new and happy 2018!
How many of you make it out to these local events? Keep Abilene fun. Get out, get involved, but most importantly: show up and have fun!
Did I miss something? We will retweet your event if you share it with the #EventsToBeScene hashtag.
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