Last year as we were planning and preparing for our first ever bridal event and magazine issue, we published this short nostalgic look at our proposal stories.
You can find the original post here, but these are the stories we shared. I personally get a little teary eyed at each unique expression of love.

“It was Thanksgiving Day and Robert had come to town after having dinner with his family in Waco. He lived in Okmulgee, Oklahoma, at the time and I only saw him once a month or so. That evening, after a very eventful day, he drove me out to the gazebo at the park where he first told me he loved me. As we pulled in, the song on the radio just happened to be Michael Peterson’s “From Here to Eternity”, which was the get engaged song of the day back then. Robert and I went for a walk, our conversation was random. Marriage was on both our minds, and we both knew that we had found the one. He eventually dropped down to a knee, pulled out the ring and asked me “Will you be my better other half?” I immediately said yes, and he slipped my ring on my finger and the planning began. We celebrate 17 years married in September. I’d do it again today.”
-Becky Frost
“The week before I started my senior year at ACU, we went to church on a Sunday evening and Brian mentioned wanting to go to Mezamiz Deux after church – it was a place we’d go often on date nights, but since we and all our friends were just getting back into Abilene I invited tons of people to come with us. Thankfully most of them were in on Brian’s plans, so we made it to Mezamiz just the two of us. I went and got a table, and Brian got our drinks. He also got us a chocolate egg to share; the eggs were hollow with a capsule inside containing a little German toy, and we would get these eggs often when we went to Mezamiz. He waited for me to open the egg, and the ring was the prize inside. He got down on one knee, and the rest is history! It was a really sweet, perfect moment.”
-Christi Stark
“We had been dating for two years exactly on November 17, 2013, but I wasn’t paying attention to the date. My roommate and I were going to a service project with our college ministry group at church. We were re-painting our display for the State School’s Christmas light display. A few minutes in, our leader asked us to run an errand for the project. He said we needed wooden steaks from Lowe’s and even handed my roommate his card. So we hopped in her car and headed toward “Lowe’s.” We drove past Lowe’s. I thought my roommate was lost but I didn’t say anything until we were almost in Potosi. She just responded by saying it was a shortcut to the Lowe’s on the north side and then she turned up the music and started singing along. I was very confused but I had forgotten the date so I didn’t catch on until we pulled up to a large white house and turned down the driveway. My roommate kicked me out of the car and I finally realized what was happening. Michael had set up a projection system in the back of his car in front of that beautiful and romantic scenery. He asked me to watch a movie with him, so we sat down and watched. He had filmed and directed scenes from the beginning of our relationship with two students from the HSU theater department playing our roles. He created our very own movie. When the movie ended I was crying so much I don’t remember what he said, but I said “Yes.” We ended up getting married in front of that very same house.”
-Bailey LeRoux
“On Feb. 3, 2001, Scott and I had been dating for almost three years. We were seniors in college at ACU. On a Saturday night, we went with two other couples to Lola’s in Buffalo Gap for dinner (one of our favorites) and went to a movie. The Wedding Planner, fittingly. On the way home, he insisted that he needed to wash his car. Really? At 10:30 at night? I kept saying “Can’t you do that tomorrow?” but he was insistent. I tried to chalk it up to his characteristic stubbornness, but I’ll confess – a small part of me wondered if something was up. (Our first kiss took place in a car wash stall on Judge Ely Blvd, so, yeah, I was putting two and two together. And yet trying not to get ahead of myself. Stay cool, Wendy.) The giddiness and slightly awkward, nervous excitement won out over cool, however, at the point that he pulled into the same car wash location and same stall of our first kiss from 3 years earlier. When I got out of the car (to help wash, naturally), instead of pulling out quarters from his pocket, he pulled out a ring, and got down one knee. Of course, my heart was leaping, and I wanted to stop time to remember all the words he was saying, but at this point, I can only come up with vague highlights – he spun off some quotes from the movie we had just watched about cooking me macaroni and cheese and building elaborate doll houses but ultimately, what I remember is that he told me he wanted to be with me for the rest of our lives. I said a joyful “Yes!”, accepted the ring, kissed the boy, and we headed off in his still-dirty car to share the good news with friends and family.”
-Wendy Kilmer

“Reed and I met and started dating in the summer of 2010. We are both from Abilene, but it was my dad who introduced us after meeting Reed at Diamondback Golf Club. It sure was nice not having to introduce him to my parents. We had not been dating long before I knew that I had found my best friend for life. Reed was gentle, caring, a hard worker, and I knew he would make a good husband and a good father. Fortunately for me, he was fond of me, too. Reed’s parents live out in the country, and they raise cattle. I have always been fascinated with animal sciences, so March 4, 2011, after eating dinner at the Clyde Pizza House with our parents, he enticed me by offering to let me see a calf that had died earlier that day. Romantic, I know. We pulled up to “the spot” and instead of a dead calf, there was a quilt and a rocking chair. I’m sure it was a beautiful sunset, but all I can remember thinking is, “This is really happening! Why did I choose this outfit?” Reed nor I remember what was said, except for a very enthusiastic “YES!” We went back to the house and celebrated with some friends and family, made phone calls, and started the wedding planning. The first tear I shed that day was when I saw my brother who drove in from Dallas. Looking back, there were way too many signs that I missed that day, but I wouldn’t trade the element of surprise for anything. I never got to see that poor calf.”
-Lauren Stafford
Speaking of proposals and wedding planning, the #SceneInLove Boutique Bridal Event is scheduled for September 25, 2-5pm. It will be a huge resource for those who are planning weddings. A wide variety of wedding service providers will be exhibiting their products in one location. Anyone planning a wedding in Abilene won’t want to miss this. Pre-registration is available online and closes September 19. There are a limited amount of tickets so pre-register now to save your spot.
As always we invite you to share your own perspective or story. We will give a free #SceneInLove Bridal Event ticket to a few of our favorites.
Share it publicly on Instagram by tagging #SceneInLove and @abilenescene.
Or, email your story and a photo to
Follow Bailey and Scene on Instagram and Twitter. Stay up to date on your local Abilene activities with our #EventsToBeScene series.
@bajaelsol & @AbileneScene
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