Not the bar mind you. We took the healthier approach and tried a Pure Barre style fitness class at the new Huffington Pilates Studio on Hospital Drive.
As a dancer it’s an interesting experience to try this style of fitness. At ballet class the point is to focus almost exclusively on the details of perfect technical execution. In the barre class you are just here to have fun and burn calories. So experience dancers will be required to do a certain amount of letting go.
These two completely different goals, in my opinion, give a leg up to those who have never taken a ballet class, believe it or not. Those of you who aren’t dancers will be more readily able to jump in and get the full workout experience without getting hung up on memories of leotards, tights and strict buns.
This is us before the workout. A little nervous, maybe. Probably I was thinking about dinner.
This is us after. Sweaty and empowered.
Barre class is taught on Monday nights by Holly Soben, but it’s not the only class you can take at Huffington Pilates. You can obviously also take Pilates, and there is Aerial Yoga. If you haven’t had a chance yet, check this place out.
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I am interested in seeing if your class can help me.