Everyone had a blast. I think we can all say that CALF 2016 can go down in the books as a success.
I went to the opening party on Thursday and I was blown away by the impressive events the Children’s Art & Literacy Festival team members are capable of executing. Parades, Glow Dance Parties, Bubblemen, characters, magicians, Artwalk… and that was only Thursday!
I took a stroll around downtown reviewing the newly unveiled sculpture and those from previous years. A lot of people are aware of how unique these pieces are but I wish more people took time to stop and be thankful for the significance of Abilene’s title as the Storybook Capital of Texas. What does that mean?
Let me tell you.
It means that Abilene is home to the largest collection of public Storybook Sculptures in America. It means that every June, students in Abilene get an opportunity to meet and hear from a notable writer who has written storybooks they read in school. It means that the NCCIL, a regular part of Abilene culture, is a national treasure and CPAS keeps children learning about the performing arts.
I have yet to download and take a tour of the sculpture garden but I plan on it! You can download the Adventure guide and take a tour with me by tagging pictures with #EventsToBeScene and #StorybookCapitalofTX.
I will love to experience CALF from a child’s eyes someday in the distant future, but for now, I’ll borrow snippets of joy from seeing my students show off their dance moves at the CALF Glow Party.
More at storybookcapitaloftexas.com
Follow Bailey LeRoux and Scene on Instagram and Twitter.
@bajaelsol and @AbileneScene
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