Clay can be an intimidating medium. It’s nebulous. It exists in three dimensions. But instructor Erin Whitmore from the Old Jail Art Center made it easy at the Grace Studio event on May 24.
Turns out in light of these particular wall hanging projects, working with clay can be very similar to working with cookie dough. However, it was still truly helpful to have some knowledgeable supervision. For tips and tricks that only an experienced clay worker would know.
Like, taping dowel rods to the table to help you roll your clay out to an even thickness.
While you could go out and buy all the materials needed for this project, you might find that unless you plan on working with clay consistently, you are over-investing in this single project. When you can share materials, it makes everything that much easier and more affordable.
I decided to take some inspiration from this piece I found on Instagram. But then once I got started it was a little overwhelming, so I decided to make my piece smaller. Which was a good thing because it took me quite a while to cut and string 13 stars. I decided 13 was the magic number because: Betsy Ross. Way better than the twenty-one stars pictured.
This class at the Grace Museum was small and intimate. We all had a grand time and got a lot of personalized attention. If you are ever looking for a bestie date idea in Abilene, these classes are a great option! Check the Events calendar at
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