New Year’s resolutions. They are often associated with weight loss, diet and savings plans. But why?
Our Anti-Resolutions article in this January issue kind of speaks to me. I personally tend to shy away from those over used and often failed resolutions. Over the past several years I’ve tried to make my resolutions a little more out of the box. Once I resolved myself to see a classic movie at the Paramount once a month for the whole year! (If you don’t know, the Paramount is one of my favorite things.)
I won’t lie to you. As much as I loved it, that resolution didn’t make it to the end of the year either. But let me tell you, I made it a lot farther and had a lot more fun that those New Year’s dieters.
What’s the goal of a New Year’s resolution? Most people might say it is to better yourself, and I would probably agree. But let me ask you this, are the only ways to improve yourself weight or money related? There I will have to disagree. There are so many options out there to challenge your character, your creativity, your knowledge or your culture.
My first personal trick to resolutions is to pick only one. Too many resolutions equals too much change too soon. And really, you can set goals for yourself any time of year, so there’s no need to rush it. My second personal trick to resolutions is to make it know to my sphere of influence. Knowing that your friends and family are aware of your resolution means you have accountability to stick to your guns.
I’ve cycled through several options for my resolution this year and I’ve come to a conclusion. The past few years have flown by like a blur. So many milestones are coming and going so quickly and I am beginning to feel the passage of time as more acutely valuable. Each moment precious. Therefore, my goal for 2016 is to be better at pictures.
Let me explain.
The idea of taking pictures at every little opportunity does not naturally occur to me. I always complained when my mom forced us to stop for a picture during family vacations, but I’m beginning to understand the value of pictures and documenting life as it passes by so quickly. So, I resolve to take more pictures, and to preserve my most cherished memories to the best of my abilities.
You are my friends and family here. I’m telling you my resolution so that you can hold me accountable. If you need me to return the favor just let me know! Here we come 2016. We are ready for you.
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@bajaelsol and @AbileneScene
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