April’s Monthly Round Up
Are we really already preparing for April? The pools will be opening soon, can you believe it? This short list doesn’t even begin to cover all the local events that are coming with the season changes.
April 4, 9 a.m. or 10:30 a.m.
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny. Cost is $15 for adults; $10 for children ages 3 to 12; and $5 for children ages two and younger. Call 325-676-6085 for reservations.
Abilene Zoo
2070 Zoo Lane │ 325.676.6085 │ www.abilenezoo.org
April 9 – ArtWalk theme: CajunFest 5-8 p.m.
This annual event features the art of Cajun cuisine, and the talent of the fine arts departments from the Abilene Independent School District. If you like Cajun crawfish and shrimp, tonight’s the night!
Bring the family to historic downtwon where restaurants, shops, museums and galleries away you!
Hosted by the Center for Contemporary Arts
April 11
“Big Day Downtown” is an opportunity to spend a Saturday in downtown Abilene with lots of events happening followed by a block party.
10 a.m.-6 p.m. Gem & Mineral Show at the Abilene Civic Center
11 a.m.-2 p.m. The Abilene Preservation League will scan your historical photos scanned onto a CD for you to keep at the Elks Arts Center.
9 a.m.-6 p.m. Drop in at the Abilene Public Library for crafts.
8 a.m.-1 p.m. Register for a gift basket door prize at Bible Hardware
11 a.m.-5 p.m. View exhibits and free coloring activity for children at Center for Contemporary Arts
11 a.m. until eve – Cypress Street Station will hide a free lunch gift certificate under a chair! Come eat and you may be a winner!
2 p.m. Paramount Theatre shows the classic movie “Sabrina”
10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sidewalk sale and gift basket drawing at Texas Star Trading Co.
April 11
Key City Block Party
The Young Adult Cult is proud to present the first annual KEY CITY BLOCK PARTY!
A huge party downtown to celebrate Abilene and its young adult community! Stay tuned for a lineup of artists from both the college and local music scene, food trucks, vendors, and art! FREE to the public.
April 17, 8am-5pm
TEDxACU, a locally organized TED event that will be held at ACU on April 17th. If you aren’t familiar with TED, you can read more on our website at acu.edu/tedxacu.
Tickets are now on sale for anyone in Abilene or the Big Country who is interested in attending. Prices and registration are all online at acu.edu/tedxacu/register. You can read about speakers and their talks at acu.edu/tedxacu/speakers.
APRIL 18, 10am – 7pm
Spring 2015 People Party Craft Fair at The Mill Winery
Local artist, handmade goods, food trucks, and live music for everyone!
April 19, 2 p.m.
The Children’s Performing Arts Series presents “Fancy Nancy, The Musical” at the Historic Paramount Theatre. Featuring the irrepressible characters from the well-known “Fancy Nancy” book series, this show has been critically acclaimed since opening in New York City in 2012. Tickets are $9.
Children’s Performing Arts Series
1101 North 1st St. │ 325.677.1161 │ www.abilenecac.org
April 24, 7:30 p.m.
“Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus LIVE!” is coming to the Abilene Civic Center for one night only. The one-man fusion of theatre and stand-up starring Peter Story is a light-hearted theatrical comedy based on the New York Times No. 1 best-selling book of the last decade by John Gray. Moving swiftly through a series of vignettes, the show covers everything from dating and marriage to the bedroom.
Celebrity Attractions
800.869.1451 │ www.CelebrityAttractions.com
April 27, 7pm
The ACU Students’ Association presents Ben Rector live in concert at the Historic Paramount Theatre. Doors open at 7 p.m. General admission: $25. VIP: $40. Buy tickets here.
All these and more warm weather events are coming up next month.
Some of these APL, University Theatre, Grace Museum, Philharmonic, Center for Contemporary Arts and more event dates are all available online at Abilene Cultural Affairs Center. Check out their extensive calendar here. http://www.abilenecac.org/calendar/index.html
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