Hands up if your family tradition was to buy and wear matching old navy Fourth of July shirts. 🙋 Those things still remind me of sweaty summer nights, sparklers and the smell of gun powder and burning hair. Oh, the memories that can be made with backyard fireworks.
Fireworks are fundamentally important to celebrating Independence Day. Be they real, or edible. Abilene offers some pretty great celebration opportunities if that’s your thing.
Picnic by the park
Bring your cookout food to a picnic for firework view. It’s basically a patriotic tailgate. Come prepared.
Get up high for the fireworks
If you can get access to an elevated building to watch fireworks from, you get a double whammy of awesome: AC and a good view.
Fireworks Shows
Elmdale Park – (325) 794-1717 – https://www.facebook.com/ElmdaleAirPark/
Clyde Festival – https://www.facebook.com/Clydefestival/?fref=mentions
If you prefer the fire in your grill to fire in the sky, we might still have a few day time celebration recommendations for you.
Frontier Fourth Independence Day Celebration
Don’t forget your day time activities! Cost is $2 per person at the Taylor County History Center and Buffalo Gap Historic Village.
8 a.m. – Parade line up
8:30 a.m. – Parade
9 a.m. – Ceremony
9:30 a.m. – Family Fun Activities
Neighborhood Parades
Abilene loves neighborhood parades! If your neighborhood has a Facebook group, chances are your neighborhood will also be putting on a parade for July 4th. All you have to do is join!
These highly customizable celebration opportunities are incomplete without Red White and Blue themed foods. Here are a few of our favs:
Lawn Games
You also can’t have a good summer cookout without some lawn games. Extra points if they are also Red, White and Blue.
No backyard fireworks for those of us in the city limits, but just because you aren’t singeing hair and nearly losing fingers, doesn’t mean that you can’t have a good time. Am I right?
What are your best July Fourth memories? Please share!
Follow Bailey and Scene on Instagram and Twitter. Stay up to date on your local Abilene activities with our #EventsToBeScene series.
@bajaelsol & @AbileneScene
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