“I am Moanaaaaa!”
Growing up as an avid Disney Princess lover, I relished the depicted glamour of the damsel in distress storyline. As an adult I feel like my priorities and perspectives have changed. The crazy part? Disney is reflecting those changes! Albeit a little slower than some people might prefer, but the change is happening and Moana is proof. Moana is the Disney princess for my mid-twenties heart call. No lie, I cried at the climax when she discovered and owned her identity. I needed that in my childhood.
I went to Artwalk on Thursday. The weather was less than sunny but the atmosphere was jubilant. I even made my own Moana inspired amulet necklace at The Grace Museum’s Make and Take. Check it out.
When I turned twelve I had a Hawaiian themed birthday party. My parents had Hawaiian friends and they were so amazingly kind. They cooked authentic Hawaiian cuisine and taught me and my friends hula, while they played the ukulele and sang Hawaiian folk songs. I have forever craved those rice noodles and can’t for the life of me find anything that taste remotely as good. That’s about the extent of my knowledge of Hawaiian culture, but I imagined I could feel the care and thought this movie put into representing Polynesian culture. It made me want to learn more.
And, the music! I loved the music. Lin-Manuel Miranda is king. End of story, no contest.
I am so thankful for the Center for Contemporary Arts, and other downtown museums, for hosting Artwalk. Artwalk is a unique event that I treasure as an opportunity to celebrate art of all kinds in my hometown. If you haven’t made it out to an Artwalk, you should. I recommend this recurring event as one of the best #EventsToBeScene.
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@bajaelsol & @AbileneScene
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