by Bailey LeRoux
The holidays are a special time. You get to take a break from the daily grind of life and really live. Visiting family, eating wonderfully elaborate home-cooked meals and generally relaxing are just a few of the activities that characterize this lovely time of year.
BUT all of the relaxing, and eating, and traveling (and eating) can really throw off your fitness schedule. (That is, if you had one to begin with.) After an extended time off of a regular fitness routine, it takes a little more effort to get back into the swing of things. Here are five ways to ease back into a workout schedule, regardless of the length of your “time-off.”
1) Get a full night’s sleep.
As relaxing as the holidays can be, they can also be stressful, and so can returning to work after the holidays end. The best way to make sure you have the energy to start a workout program is to get a full night of rest. Sleep prepares your body mentally and physically for the next day. If you are feeling tired and run down you are less likely to stick to your guns and actually make those long and arduous first few trips to the gym.
Bonus Tip: If you want to work out early in the morning but you have a hard time getting up early enough, try sleeping in your workout clothes with shoes and water ready to go. Then you only need to wake up in time to splash some water on your face and make the drive to the gym.
2) Stretch/do yoga while you watch TV.
Watching your favorite shows can be a great way to unwind, but you can also use that time to help gain fitness by stretching as you veg. Flexibility is the easiest part of fitness to gain, and it keeps your body young. A few asanas and stretches while you watch CSI can even be a great way to gain strength at your own pace.
3) Start slow.
If you try too much too soon after a break you are likely to get burned out and discouraged. Start out with a small set of workouts per week and increase intensity and frequency as you gain confidence. It is also important to remember that EVERYONE has to start somewhere. As cliché as it sounds, you really do have to walk before you can run.
4) Plan ahead.
A fitness routine will consume time, which means you have to plan accordingly. Schedule your workouts in your calendar along with all of your other activities. Because really, aren’t they just as important? Then show the same respect to your workout plans as you show all of your other commitments. If you wait to go to the gym until you feel motivated, let’s be honest, it will probably never happen.
5) Invest in a quality gym membership.
If you are paying good money for facilities, equipment and trainers, you are more likely to use those resources. Paying for a facility is almost like paying for motivation to workout. If you’ve entered a year-long contract, you’ll be motivated to get your money’s worth out of it. Use your contract as accountability to your fitness goals. Every time you’ve scheduled yourself to work out and don’t feel like it, say to yourself, “I’m not going to waste my money just because I’m feeling lazy today.”
BONUS: You get to use great equipment that you might not normally have access to, and group fitness classes are a fun way to change up your workout routine!
We hope these tips help you reach your fitness goals this year. The key to starting back it consistency. Slow and steady wins the race. You will thank yourself for not giving up this time! Comment below and tell us if you’ve tried these tips or how you plan to incorporate them this year. And share your own best ideas for sticking to a healthy lifestyle!
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