Summers in Abilene usually mean 4-5 months of hefty electricity bills. With the weather that so often reaches temperatures solidly in the triple digits, unless you want to live perpetually sweaty, you will pay dearly for the modern day comfort of air-conditioning.
So far this summer has been a mild one (quick, knock on some wood), but it never hurts to be prepared if and when that hot weather makes it’s triumphant Texas sized return. Prepare yourself for whatever the heat of summer might bring with a review of the coolest ways to save on that electric bill.
This week for our blog post we’d like to take you on a little trip, back to Abilene Scene in 2013. In our July/Aug/Sept issue of 2013, we got some expert advice on ways to keep your home cool and save money doing it. Check out our throwback article, Summer Savvy, for some seriously helpful seasonal tips.
In addition to these wonderful energy-saving home-cooling tips, try some fun cooling outdoor activities to beat the heat.
Water-gun Laser Tag
Wear white shirts you don’t mind getting colorful and fill your water guns with a little colored water! Each team or individual gets a different color so you can count up points later. Food coloring will wash out but if you want to take this opportunity to create a unique and colorful t-shirt go ahead and add a little acrylic paint.
Ice-Bucket Board games
Turn your favorite board games or card games into water games by getting creative and making up house rules that include dumping ice water on someone’s head. Catch-Phrase? Whoever its holding the game when the timer runs out! Spoons? Whoever is left without a spoon at the end of the round. Although, if the weather is warm enough, a bucket of ice water might be considered a reward instead of a punishment. Get creative! And maybe laminate your cards.
How do you keep cool in Abilene?
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