It was time for a change. The partners at Condley and Company all agreed. The Abilene-based accounting firm needed more room for their growing company and their existing offices lacked space, updates and windows. But what kind of space would that be and where should it be? After much consideration (and, no doubt, the creation of a spreadsheet or two), the partners made a … [Read more...]
Spill the Tea
Tea shops are popping up all over Abilene, and they’re serving more than your typical Texas sweet tea. From tropical fruits to bittersweet chais, the flavors are wide-ranging and the options are nearly limitless. And you can either drive through for a quick sip or stop in for a long talk with a friend. According to, “tea” is slang for “gossip or other personal … [Read more...]
Rising to the Occasion
On March 26, 2020, the City of Abilene and health officials from Hendrick Healthcare System announced the first positive test result for COVID-19 in Abilene. The COVID-19 coronavirus had cast its shadow over the community even earlier. Two weeks prior, as Spring Break concluded, public schools announced closure, first temporarily and later indefinitely. A disaster declaration … [Read more...]
Holiday Helper: Food Gift Baskets
Stuck in a gift-giving rut? Looking for a creative, unique gift for someone in your life? Instead of spending your budget on one large gift, consider a gift basket full of local edible goodies to show someone you care and to support Abilene businesses. Scene assembled a few ideas for you, and all the yummy products can be bought right around the corner. No need to wait two days … [Read more...]