Event inspires children to love reading and the arts By Sidney Schumann Levesque The official Storybook Capital of Texas will celebrate international artist Oliver Jeffers at the seventh annual Children’s Art & Literacy Festival (CALF), June 7-9 in historic downtown Abilene. “Abilene learned ‘How to Catch a Star’ when the NCCIL invited Jeffers to be this … [Read more...]
If You Don’t Watch Collegiate Theater Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later
There are too many talented performers for you to waste this opportunity. You, dear friend and Abilenian, have to see the up and coming talent of our generation before they move on up in the world! With productions presented by all three local universities throughout the year, you have no excuses. This weekend I went to see Hardin-Simmons production of The Wedding Singer. … [Read more...]
Christmas Events in Abilene
It’s a week into December but there are still plenty of Christmas festivities to enjoy! These are a few community events we hope to attend. Dec. 10, 5-8 p.m. ArtWalk: Santa’s Sensational Soiree A monthly, themed arts festival in downtown Abilene presented by the Center, this month featuring an opportunity for children to write and deliver … [Read more...]
What to bring to the Annual City Sidewalks Parade
The sidewalks will be busy this Tuesday evening in downtown Abilene. The community will gather and line the streets to see Santa and his holiday crew light up the Key City. Prepping for an evening outdoors on the first of December can be tricky business but we have a few suggestions to help keep you warm and comfortable enough to view the parade through the child-like lens … [Read more...]
August Events
August is upon us, and back-to-school is lurking just around the corner. Don’t let that stop you from enjoying the last few days of summer break. Abilene has a few ways we think you might take advantage of the dwindling free time. Aug. 1, 2 & 7:30 p.m. Paramount Film Series - “The Desk Set” Historic Paramount Theatre 352 Cypress St. │ 325.676.9620 │ … [Read more...]