While it may only be February, we pose to you this ever-important question: have you been staying on track as far as your 2018 fitness goals go? If you have been, keep it up. But if you haven’t, then it’s time to get back on the saddle and work even harder. In a recent post here on Abilenescene, we’ve provided key tips on how to keep your eyes on the fitness prize during arguably the merriest (and most tempting) season of the year, Christmas. Now, we offer a five-point strategy to help you stay on the wagon and on-point when it comes to losing that gut, looking better, and feeling great in 2018.
Be S.M.A.R.T.
Having structure leads to positive results so here’s one acronym that can help you achieve your objectives towards a better physique: S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based). Consider these key pillars when plotting the fitness targets you want to realize. In an interview with CBS News, Karen Lawson, M.D., director of Integrative Health Coaching program at University of Minnesota’s Center for Spirituality and Healing, explains that this approach gives you a clear and well-defined direction on how you can keep working out and minimize slip-ups along the way.
Be Your Own Chef
Nutrition plays an undeniably vital role when to comes to keeping fit. To ward off temptation and make sure you regularly get healthy nutrients into your system, cooking your own meals makes the best sense. Stack notes that preparing your own food takes a lot of organization, so thinking ahead will always be beneficial. If you can make big batches of a certain recipe, do that. Another good tip is to allot a day or two to prepare all your ingredients for your meals so that they’re relatively fresh when you cook them.
Be Strong Mentally and Stay Driven
When you want to make significant changes in your life, you always have to be aware what’s at stake. In an interview with PartyPoker, Canadian professional poker player Sorel Mizzi knew that prioritizing his health meant he could live life to the full and be happier. So, how did he manage to turn things around? Easy, he stayed focused and hungry. “Being healthy and lean is very important in my life. I don’t want to be average in that sense, it’s not good enough. I want to excel in that part of my life.” Mizzi explains. Your takeaway: you have got to want it enough to change.
Get Out of Your Box
Dr. Jordan Metzl underscores that doing your workouts in a social setting can up your chances of sticking with a regimen. You not only surround yourself with like-minded individuals, but you get to exchange and compare notes when it comes to making progress. From joining a spin class to participating in a CrossFit session, you allow yourself to try new things, make your fitness journey more interesting, and free yourself from your comfort zone from time to time.
Don’t Stop
You cannot afford to stop. Succumbing to failure is not an option. It takes commitment and consistency to stay on track. The toughest part of any exercise program is when everything is still new. However, it is also the most rewarding. Sure, you will hit roadblocks and have setbacks, but you always have to be in control and power through any type of adversity.
Have you kept up with your New Year’s goals so far this year?
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